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Top 7 Health Benefits of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose)

Why not drift away from all your doubts, and practice Siddhasana yoga pose, that compliments your wishful thinking? What is Siddhasana? Siddhasana or an accomplished pose is a seated asana suitable for Meditation (dhyana) and Pranayama. This Hatha Yoga pose is named...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Ever stumbled upon something which could be for anyone and everyone? This Yoga pose is a fun way to get along with people and yourself! Savasana is a Sanskrit word, where ‘sava’ means corpse, and ‘asana’ means pose. It is famously known as the "sleeping pose". Yes!...

Samadhi – The Final Step to Complete Evolution of the Being

Samadhi – The Final Step to Complete Evolution of the Being

Human mind is a complex mechanism. For thousands of years, sages and saints have been seeking to find that one great way to stop the unwanted blather that dampens the conscience. They meditated for days, called in the Divine powers and changed their ways of life, to...

Yamas and Niyamas – Yoga’s Guide to Ethical Living

Yamas and Niyamas – Yoga’s Guide to Ethical Living

As Karl Marx once said, “all that is solid will melt”, he foresaw the alterations that the society might have to go through midst the technological upgrades and the deepest impact of Globalization on the societies. In a communist manifesto, he forecasted that the...

How 5 Min Yoga Is Beneficial For Your Lungs

How 5 Min Yoga Is Beneficial For Your Lungs

The era of 2 minute noodle has taken a toll on our overall health. The diets devoid of nutrients, polluted air, and contamination in every next thing have crawled inside our immune system and have made it vulnerable in the most terrible way. Children aged 5 with...

Yoga Makes You Energetic in a Busy Life

Yoga Makes You Energetic in a Busy Life

You get up at 6 am in the morning and instead of going for a walk in nature, you just get ready and catch the last bus to work on time. One magical thing you can experience in this life time is to dwell inside a body that stays in alignment with your goals and...

How Yoga And Meditation Are Helpful For Removing Negative Thoughts

How Yoga And Meditation Are Helpful For Removing Negative Thoughts

How are you feeling today? Are you feeling sad or happy? Is there something you are looking forward to? Take a step back and assess the answers to these questions. A person with negative thoughts or a pessimistic attitude towards life comes from a place of rejection,...

10 Reasons How A Daily Yoga Routine Can Keep You Healthy

10 Reasons How A Daily Yoga Routine Can Keep You Healthy

Yoga As The New Lifestyle Reasons How A Daily Yoga Routine Will Keep You Healthy1. Immunity Booster2. Makes you strong and flexible3. Energy refresh4. Soothes the senses5. Nurture Mindfulness6. A Natural way of healing7....

How to Stay Cool and Calm with Yoga Practices?

How to Stay Cool and Calm with Yoga Practices?

“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” - Dalai Lama Calmness is power. When we are calm, our mind is in harmony and our senses work in the perfect manner. But, when we lose the calm, we lose our sense of...

7 Reasons to Practice Prenatal Yoga

7 Reasons to Practice Prenatal Yoga

A woman experiences a lot of body changes from first pregnancy trimester until the birth of a child. Changes during pregnancy range from physical to psychological and emotional. Morning sickness, nausea, shortness of breath, mood swings are some common changes that a...

7 Amazing Prenatal Yoga Benefits

7 Amazing Prenatal Yoga Benefits

For a woman, there is nothing as blissful as being a mother. It is a nine-month long journey that is exciting, overwhelming, stressful, and emotional. Each day brings in a cocktail of physical, psychological, emotional, and hormonal changes. Every day of this...

Amazing Yoga Benefits to Keep You in Good Health

Amazing Yoga Benefits to Keep You in Good Health

Yoga is not merely a physical practice; it’s a way of life, a healthy way of living a life. When you indulge in a yoga practice, you commit to a lifestyle that includes healthy eating patterns, social interaction, and dinacharya (lifestyle). Yoga is an age-old...

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Hare Pose (Shashankasana)

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Hare Pose (Shashankasana)

Shashankasana resembles a ‘Hare’ in its final stages and hence the name. Since it has a calming effect on the body and mind, it is also called Sashankasana, Sashanka meaning moon in Sanskrit. It is a popular posture to cure any back related troubles and when practiced...

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

The word Shalabhasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Shalabh” meaning locust or grasshopper, a type of insect that lives on the ground. During the pose, the body resembles a ‘shalabh’ or ‘locust’ and hence the name.  The health benefits of locust pose are...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Feathered Peacock Pose(Pincha Mayurasana)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Feathered Peacock Pose(Pincha Mayurasana)

When one fleshes out the word pinchamayursana, one gets the words pincha meaning feather and mayura meaning peacock. Imitating a peacock spanning its feather out, it removes the stiffness in the necks and the shoulder blades and has all the benefits of strengthening...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Paschimottanasana happens to be a Sanskrit word which is also referred to as the ‘Seated Forward Bend Pose’ in English. This classical Hatha Yoga pose showers a practitioner with loads of benefits and is one of the most effective poses for an entire body stretch. Good...

The Benefits of Yoga for Physical Fitness

The Benefits of Yoga for Physical Fitness

Yoga is the yog or the connection between the mental and physical. Anasana is the effort the body makes to reach a pose with controlled inhalations and exhalations and attains physical benefits of good health through optimum mind control. Each turn or twist the body...

How Yoga Improves Morale in the Workplace

How Yoga Improves Morale in the Workplace

Whether you are a part of the corporate world or run your own business, you must be aware that a workplace needs to stay motivated to deliver the best results. In the present day world, amidst all the tight deadlines, meetings, client calls, etc. it is even harder for...

Prenatal Yoga Usefulness – How It Helps During Pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga Usefulness – How It Helps During Pregnancy

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.” — Sakyong Mipham Over the last few decades, yoga has spread like wildfire all over the globe. Owing to its myriad of benefits – both physical and mental, people are making this ancient science of...

Understanding the 3 Gunas – Tamas, Rajas and Sattva

Understanding the 3 Gunas – Tamas, Rajas and Sattva

According to Vedic science, the Bhagavad Gita and Samkhya Philosophy, the entire universe consists of two main categories: Purush (reality) and Prakriti (Maya/illusion). The philosophy states that, things which can be changed or are not infinite happen to be a part of...

Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses for 2 People

Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses for 2 People

Yoga means ‘unification’ and what better way to practice the art than, by embracing each other through breath, play and movement with easy yoga poses for two people. Partner yoga builds intimacy and stronger connection in any type of relationship – family...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Kandharasana (Shoulder Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Kandharasana (Shoulder Pose)

Our body is a miraculous working machine. Each body organ plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy. But, sometimes our actions and negligence result in compromised functioning of the body organs leading to poor quality of life. Kandharasana or Shoulder Pose is a...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)

The word Kukkutasana comes from Kukkut – meaning Rooster/Cock and Asana – meaning pose. The practitioner resembles the pose of a rooster while practicing this asana. It is no doubt a complicated asana but, the health benefits of kukkutasana are vast and varied. Even...

Top 7 Health Benefits of kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

If as a yoga practitioner, you wish to advance in your yogic journey, then, Plank Pose is for you. Kumbhakasana is both strengthening and balancing yoga asana fortifying the whole body, especially the core for more high-level arm-balancing yoga poses. In addition to...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Eka Pada koundinyasana

Top 5 Health Benefits of Eka Pada koundinyasana

As religious yoga practitioners acquire the art of practicing the arm balances, like Crow Pose (Bakasana) and Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana). Step into the world of invigorating arm balances, one being the Eka Pada Koundinyasana. It is the pose dedicated to Sage...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana (Half Wheel Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana (Half Wheel Pose)

For the yoga sadhaks who feel intimidated by the challenging Wheel Pose (Chakrasana) but, wish to reap the rewards of backbends, Ardha Chakrasana (Half Wheel Pose) is the path to follow. The Ardha Chakrasana is a gentle variation to the Full Wheel Pose guaranteeing...

Top 5 health Benefits of kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Top 5 health Benefits of kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

The yoga poses are often named after the qualities observed in nature. Kurmasana is also inspired by the characteristics of Tortoise, the animal that withdraws inward when it experiences a threat. Likewise, as you assume the shape of a tortoise in Kurmasana, you...

The 7 Chakras and How do they Influence Your Life

The 7 Chakras and How do they Influence Your Life

From the mightiest mountains to the tiniest blade of grass, everything in the universe radiates energy. Humans are a part of the universe, and every cell in the individual body emits energy. Different cells discharge different kinds of energy depending upon their...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

The mother of asanas, Tadasana is the foundational standing yoga asana from which all the other yoga posture emerge. The Sanskrit word Tada means ‘mountain’ and Asana means ‘pose,’ hence the Mountain Pose that, fosters grounding feeling, stability, and connectedness...

The Best morning Yoga Routine for Beginners

The Best morning Yoga Routine for Beginners

With much pride and enthusiasm, the practitioners of yoga science claim that it is one of the health disciplines that utterly benefits mankind in every way. No matter the age, gender, and the time of practice, the individuals feel high on health, spirit, and wellness...

Kick Start the New Year with these Resolutions the Yogi Way

Kick Start the New Year with these Resolutions the Yogi Way

Ideally, we, as humans, should start every day with an intention to form a stronger connection with the soul. And, the New Year feels like the opportune time to set resolutions the yogic way. In yoga science, a resolution is ‘Sankalpa,’ meaning determination. The...

Top 5 Handstand Yoga Poses

Top 5 Handstand Yoga Poses

For some handstand is frightening and for many it is a source of empowerment. Whatever meaning it holds for you, once you gain wisdom about proper alignment and techniques, you start to feel strong in your arms and you fall in love with handstand yoga poses. In...

The Importance of Mantras in Yoga Practice

The Importance of Mantras in Yoga Practice

Getting to hear the ‘Om’ sound as soon as you step inside a yoga class can be astonishing for a yoga newbie. But for a yoga veteran, it marks the beginning of a yoga journey. Om is one of the mantras which is chanted at the start of a yoga class because it facilitates...

What are the Benefits of Eka Padasana (One foot Pose)

What are the Benefits of Eka Padasana (One foot Pose)

Yoga is the science of union and the Eka Padasana is a balancing posture. As a person performs the steps of the One Foot Pose, the practitioner experiences neuro-muscular coordination, harmony and heightened sense of control of bodily movements, the benefits of Eka...

AUM – The Sound of the Universe and its Significance

AUM – The Sound of the Universe and its Significance

For centuries, chanting has been a daily practice of many yogis, spiritualists and individuals engrossed in religious activities. The combination of sound, breath, and rhythm in chanting has been honored sacred across cultures because it leads to union with the cosmos...

Top 5 Health Benefit of Jyestikasana (Superior pose)

Top 5 Health Benefit of Jyestikasana (Superior pose)

From centuries to till date, yoga has been the illustrious science of relaxation. The physical movements of the body in the asanas are an effective means of cultivating relaxation. As you maneuver your hands, legs, torso, head in the poses, you stretch the tensed...

Top 5 one Person Yoga Poses

Top 5 one Person Yoga Poses

Yoga, the science that dates back to 5000 years is one of the natural methods to boost the health of the body and the mind. With the help of yoga poses for one, this ancient practice offers benefits such as: ● Increase in flexibility ● Enhancement in muscle strength ●...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

The spiritual science of Yoga and its philosophy of being generous have been followed for centuries. In yogic texts, it is mentioned that ancient people used to believe everything as their god. While worshipping the Sun is still a widespread practice, everything that...

5 Best Group Yoga Poses

5 Best Group Yoga Poses

There are quite a number of people who feel they are at their best when they are around their friends or partners. Similarly, there are a number of yoga practitioners who prefer sharing yoga mat with kindred spirits because of high motivational factor and ease of...

The Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rishikesh is the birth capital of yoga and therefore the ideal place to undergo yoga teacher training programs that no informed yoga aspirant can deny. Since time immemorial, the land of Rishikesh has been cherishing a golden yogic lineage and philosophy of Vedantic...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Naukasana

Top 7 Health Benefits of Naukasana

Indeed, the science of yoga is a boon for mankind in the modern times of living, where our health is deteriorating at physical, mental, and spiritual levels. The Naukasana, the yoga posture, in which you assume the shape of a boat, is the practice for health. From...

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of December?

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of December?

Rishikesh, a small town located in the Northern part of India with quite a large history. It is the land of spiritual enlightenment, where a number of sages and philosophers took birth and discovered the science of Yoga. The town’s name finds mention in Vedas and...

Implementing The Yoga Sutras in The Life of a Contemporary Yogi

Implementing The Yoga Sutras in The Life of a Contemporary Yogi

Yoga is a wider concept and Sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra compile all the aspect of the ancient science of life, for the better understanding of the modern day of a Yogi. Considered as the father of yoga, Patanjali after seeing yoga getting complex and diversified...

Top 7 Health Benefits Of Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits Of Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

In this age and time, yoga is something that can retain the draining health of people. The hustled up sedentary lifestyle, stress, hectic schedule, and unhealthy eating habits, together take a toll on our health. Yoga today is the popular most healthcare regime that...

The Best Yoga Teacher Training in India

The Best Yoga Teacher Training in India

The fast-moving modern day life restrains many of us to relax and focus on our well-being. Yoga is the way out to rejuvenate, re-energize and restore your health through its daily and regular practice. Spiritualists and fitness fanatics swear by this ancient art of...

What are the 8 (eight) Limbs of Yoga?

What are the 8 (eight) Limbs of Yoga?

Yoga - the science of union. The holistic balance can be attained by individuals through the physical practice of yoga and by truly living a yogic lifestyle. Living yoga extends beyond the commitment to the regular performance of yoga postures and consuming a yogic...

7 Tips to Choose Meditation Retreat in Thailand

7 Tips to Choose Meditation Retreat in Thailand

Meditation is the ultimate complacence that makes way for the inward peace through thoughtfulness and offers help to perusal the inner universe of cognizance through a mindfulness-awareness of senses. Through meditation, one builds more awareness and gets to know...

Rishikesh: A Travel Guide to the Spiritual Heart of India

Rishikesh: A Travel Guide to the Spiritual Heart of India

Be it spirituality, yoga, meditation, adventure sports or pilgrimage, Rishikesh is the one-stop destination to feed your wanderlust soul. This holy land witnesses travelers from around the globe all over the year which makes it one of the busiest travel destinations...

5 Tips to Choose Health and Wellness Retreat in Thailand

5 Tips to Choose Health and Wellness Retreat in Thailand

Over the last few decades, Thailand has emerged as one of the world’s biggest hubs for health and wellness retreat. The country has become a favorite place for millions of fitness lovers and holidaymakers, who love to enjoy the herbal massages and therapies on the...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)

Top 7 Health Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)

Yoga is blessed with some versatile poses that are influential in a number of health problems. One of such Yoga exercises is Pawanmuktasana, also known as Gas Release Pose, or Wind-relieving Pose. A common and household practice, the Yoga asana is mainly known as a...

7 Excellent health benefits of Padangusthasana (Hand to Big Toe Pose)

7 Excellent health benefits of Padangusthasana (Hand to Big Toe Pose)

From the Sanskrit word, “Pada” meaning foot, “Angustha” meaning big toe and “Asana” meaning pose, is the Padangusthasana. As one of the standings forward folds yoga poses, the Padangusthasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) is easy to perform helping the practitioners reap the...

Diwali-Illuminate the Inner Light and Health with Yoga

Diwali-Illuminate the Inner Light and Health with Yoga

Diwali, the joyous festival of lights from the Hindu Mythology is celebrated on the New Moon day with zeal and vigor every year for centuries. India’s epic festival Diwali celebrates the return of virtuous Lord Rama with his idealized wife Sita, the victory of good...

5 Tips to Choose Meditation Program in Nepal

5 Tips to Choose Meditation Program in Nepal

Meditation is the eminent way of conquering yourself; a way of dissolving the invisible walls created by unawareness, and forms a better and stronger connection with self. Meditation quietens the mind, relaxes the body and puts the soul at peace. It is liable for the...

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

From the 5000-year old text, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika unfolds the Mayurasana symbolizing love, spirituality, and awakening. As one of the advanced arm balancing yoga poses, where the practitioners hold the earth with both the hands and navel rests on the elbows, the...

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Meditation

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is an important yogic discipline that stems from Vedantism and has been in practice for over 5000-years. From ancient times to the present, meditation is a sacred practice of becoming consciously aware of one’s own thoughts and the self. With varying styles...

Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in India

Yoga has certainly taken the modern world by storm, owing to the fact that Yoga retreats and Yoga TTC are among the most popular holiday options in the 21st century. With the passage of time, like all other things, Yoga has also altered its form according to the needs...

What Should Be the Diet Plan for Yoga?

What Should Be the Diet Plan for Yoga?

There are a lot of aspects of yoga practice, and surely they’re more than twisting, bending, and turning. Many yogis adopt yoga merely as another form of exercising, but many yogis study, adapt and practice the eight limbs of yoga for a healthy and meaningful life....

What are the health benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

What are the health benefits of Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

The Garudasana, named after the divine creature ‘Garuda,’ the fierce bird and the vehicle of Lord Vishnu has it all-- strength, balance, coordination, and harmony. As a twisting yoga posture, the practitioners of Eagle Pose twirl and stretch and wrap their hands and...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Malasana

Top 5 Health Benefits of Malasana

People in the gyming circles like to believe that “Sticks and stones may break your bones but squats will make you badass!” Squats show good toning results within a very short time of practice. Squats are versatile. Squats can be performed anywhere, with or without...

How to do mindful meditation?

How to do mindful meditation?

It’s a busy world. We hustle daily to accomplish the necessary tasks. And, in a rush, we feel disconnected with ourselves, with the present, and surroundings. Mindfulness is the practice to be fully aware of the present and not being overwhelmed by the unfolding...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Top 10 Health Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

A member of the Surya Namaskar family and a mild backbend, Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) offers a wealth of benefits to the body, mind, and soul. The Cobra Pose and its variations physically impact the frontal and posterior planes from the chin to the toes along with...

5 Excellent Pranayama Breathing Exercises (Techniques)

5 Excellent Pranayama Breathing Exercises (Techniques)

If you find yourself stressed and anxious or experience any negativity, breathe and breathe deeply. Yes, performing long and smooth inhalations and exhalations have been associated with many physical and psychical benefits such as slowing of an aggravated heart rate...

The Benefits of Yoga Poses

The Benefits of Yoga Poses

Whether you are following yoga as a way to stay physically fit or a mantra for ethical lifestyle and spiritual direction, the benefits of the discipline are undeniable. The heart of the practice remains abhyasa or practice-- a steady effort in the direction you want...

5 Best Meditation Techniques for Children

5 Best Meditation Techniques for Children

Children are unspoiled. The mind of a child is like a slate of clay where waves stream over, leaving rippling marks, but not for long as another comes and washes over, wiping it clean. It is free of an ever-towering  I-ness-- the Ego. The child is never a slave to a...

The Best Yoga Workout for Beginners

The Best Yoga Workout for Beginners

Yoga, the science that makes its practitioners fall in love with its every aspect. Be it the health-giving yoga postures or the mind-stimulating meditation or the breath-enhancing pranayama, yoga has been the natural method of magnifying the physical, mental, and...

5 Best meditation exercises (techniques) for beginners

5 Best meditation exercises (techniques) for beginners

We are blessed to be endowed with the art and science of meditation, a technique that hushes the chatter of a busy mind and brings the entire being into equilibrium. When the brain is silent, awareness, creativity, and productivity soar high. Sitting down to meditate...

The Health Benefits of Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

The Health Benefits of Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)

Bhadrasana denoting ‘auspiciousness’ is a posture mentioned in the seminal Hatha Yoga text-- the Hatha yoga Pradipika as a posture that brings the Mooladhara or Root Chakra to life. This asana is performed in a seated position and can be held for extended periods of...

The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation form an ancient discipline of mind-body wellness which is also therapeutic in addressing several disorders of physical and psychical health. Read to know how a dedicated practice in the discipline can be the formula for better wellness and a fuller...

5 Excellent Cross-legged Yoga Poses (Asanas)

5 Excellent Cross-legged Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Sitting in a cross-legged manner is an important practice in yoga. Commonly, the cross legged yoga asanas are employed in the practice of meditation and pranayama practices. By demanding flexibility in thighs and external rotation of the hips, the multiple cross...

The Top 10 Benefits of Yoga Poses

Yoga science is as good for the mind as it is for the body. The physical aspect of yoga practices, the yoga asanas work and affect the diverse body organs, including the brain bringing the entire mechanics in a state of optimal health and equipoise. Ranging from basic...

The 7 Benefits of Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

The 7 Benefits of Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

In the Hindu mythology, ‘Anjaneyasana’ is a patronymic reference to Lord Hanuman, who was endowed with miraculous strength, power, and valor. Anjaneyasana is the Sanskrit term for the ‘Low Lunge Pose’ resembling a divine child (Anjaneya) with an arched back and...

10 Excellent Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar

10 Excellent Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar

A Historical LegendThe Surya Namaskar YogaThe Classic Surya Namaskar Flow10 Excellent Health Benefits of Surya NamaskarModified Surya NamaskarConclusion A Historical Legend For ages, we have worshipped the Sun as Earth's ultimate...

The 10 Health Benefits of Hatha Yoga

The 10 Health Benefits of Hatha Yoga

The ancient yoga style that originated over thousands of years ago ‘Hatha Yoga’ translates to “union of the opposites through a force.” Hatha Yoga is a powerful and transformative practice of postures (asanas), breath (pranayama), gestures (mudras), locks (bandhas),...

The Top 10 Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga

The Top 10 Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga

“The full Ashtanga System practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one’s heart”--K. Pattabhi Jois. From the divine yoga background is the physically intense and athletic yoga form of Ashtanga Yoga. The Ashtanga Yoga system comes from an ancient text of Yoga...

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of February?

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of February?

Rishikesh- the ancient town of the yogis, a riverine paradise nestling in the greenery of the hills, an adventure destination, and a pilgrimage, this town has many stories and many faces. Which do you want to see? Come in the waning months of winter from late January...

Top 5 Yoga Meditation Positions (Poses)

Top 5 Yoga Meditation Positions (Poses)

The notion of the perfect body varies from a person to person. Some like it sculpted while others admire the slim and slender form.  However, what unanimously appeals to us is Mental poise. And, the universal method of embracing the peace of the mind in amalgamation...

Top 10 Sitting Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Top 10 Sitting Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Yoga, the science of union embraces diverse styles like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, etc.,  that embodies variegated asanas assisting the practitioners to achieve sound physical, mental, and emotional health. From the basic to...

Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Top 7 Easy Yoga Poses (Asanas)

Yoga is the practice of the body and mind that bestows a treasure of good health and happy living. There are many who confuse yoga with religion, or a practice reserved for women and the flexible ones only while others think that yoga is only about performing complex...

The Health Benefits of Hamsasana (Swan Pose)

The Health Benefits of Hamsasana (Swan Pose)

Some love the hip openers while others dislike it, but hip opener yoga poses are damn good for your health--physical, mental, and energetical. The wide assortment of hip-opening yoga poses help release the trapped emotions in the posterior and other areas, easing the...

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of August?

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of August?

Rain arrives early in the Himalayan foothills and stays till long, wrapping the slopes in a silvery sheen and emanating petrichor. The earth turns silent and absolutely still except for the rhythm in falling rain and so becomes your mind, serene and perfectly...

7 Excellent Health Benefits of Yoga in Morning

7 Excellent Health Benefits of Yoga in Morning

Let’s admit that most of us are not morning buddies. The long wee hours, the stressful lifestyle, the constant scrolling of smartphones at night and so much more leaves us in a state of constant weariness that eventually disrupts our mornings. No matter how many rude...

The Best Yoga Poses for Cancer Patients

The Best Yoga Poses for Cancer Patients

Cancer in its myriad forms shatters the sufferer and all those related to them. No matter the kind of cancer diagnosed or the stage of its spread, the life of the patient undergoes a massive shift that is accompanied by an eternal doubt about the longevity of their...

5 Yoga Poses for Strong Muscles

5 Yoga Poses for Strong Muscles

The intricate working mechanism of a human body is composed of about 700 muscles organized for the healthy movement of its internal and external mechanism. Anatomically, the muscles in the head and neck are responsible for their movements, speech, facial expressions;...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Upward Lotus (Urdhva Padmasana)

Top 5 Health Benefits of Upward Lotus (Urdhva Padmasana)

Loved doing your classical headstand and now looking to explore more in asana inversions? You are perfectly on point for the Lotus Pose in Headstand! A rather challenging one, this posture will take you one step ahead of the classic sirsasana and challenge your core...

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of July?

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of July?

The month of July in the hills of Rishikesh is an invitation to the lovers and believers in the world. It’s the perfect time to come and drench all of life’s misgivings in the rain-fed waves of a fiercely flowing Ganges and bathe in the good vibrations with your loved...

The Best Yoga Poses for Flat Stomach

The Best Yoga Poses for Flat Stomach

One question that probably everyone is looking answer for is how to shed fat around the midsection (stomach)? Many yearn to manifest a toned stomach. After all! A well-defined stomach represents that a person is in good control of his health. The host of exercises and...

The Health Benefits of Upward Forward Fold (Urdhva Uttanasana)

The Health Benefits of Upward Forward Fold (Urdhva Uttanasana)

Frequent stiff-back giving you a hard time? It’s time for you to explore some axial extension with yoga! Urdhva and Adho are two prime signifiers in yoga, indicating “upward” movement with asanas that are named with the prefix of urdhva and “downward” motion with the...

Top 7 Health benefits of Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Top 7 Health benefits of Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

When after a long trip you come back home feeling extremely tired, what do you do? Most often, you take some kind of energy drink or eat a nutritious food to recover from the fatigue immediately. But, have you ever tried a yoga asana to feel relaxed? Do the Upward...

7 Excellent Health Benefits of Karnapidasana (Knee to Ear Pose)

7 Excellent Health Benefits of Karnapidasana (Knee to Ear Pose)

The times may be modern, but the way to keep the body robust and frolic, both physically and mentally are still prevalent in the 5000-year-old science of yoga. Practiced for centuries by the sages, seers, and yogis for maintaining the health and serenity of the body...

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of June?

Why Should You Visit Rishikesh in the Month of June?

India boasts of a great number of destinations that are ‘older than history.’ Rishikesh is one of those where spirituality and civilization thrive alongside the holy Ganges since time immemorial. Spending a few days here can definitely be memorable, thanks to the wide...

5 Yoga Poses for Tight Shoulders

5 Yoga Poses for Tight Shoulders

Tight Shoulders? Well, you are not alone battling this problem. Our habitual patterns-- sitting, driving, working on computers, texting, etc., affects our body posture especially the shoulders. Repeated over time, the shoulders and neck store tension and inevitably...

Enjoy These 5 Excellent Benefits of Marichyasana

Enjoy These 5 Excellent Benefits of Marichyasana

In the yogic system, there are a number of asanas that evolved over a period of time and achieved a cult status due to specific characteristics. Marichyasana is one such pose that comes in a series of four asanas and is considered a perfect solution for hip related...

Five Health Benefits of Practicing Supta Padangusthasana

Five Health Benefits of Practicing Supta Padangusthasana

The science of yoga is vast and sometimes works in mysterious ways. Our naked eyes and the Ego or Ahamkara cannot see the internal depths we are exposed to as we practice yoga. However, yogic wisdom beeches us to see the pose and its effects from the eyes of the Mind...