7 Incredible Health Benefits of Simhasana (Lion Pose)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

April 28, 2019

The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion.

A great roar arises in your heart, a roar of freedom. ~ Osho

Simhasana is a Sanskrit word in which ‘Simha’ means Lion, and ‘asana’ means pose. This pose literally imitates the lion’s roar and differs from any of the other poses. It is a very easy Hatha Yoga asana which can be simply done by any age group, from children to elders. Despite being a not-so-familiar pose, many established yogis practice Simhasana for spiritual upliftment, physical fitness, and emotional balance.

This asana is usually performed early in the morning, or at any other time of the day with an empty stomach. Health benefits of Lion Pose are fumingly interesting to begin with, which are extraordinarily beneficial for the throat, face, and respiratory organs.

Steps to do Simhasana (Lion Pose)

  • Kneel on the ground and keep some distance between the knees.
  • Lift your right ankle up to place it behind the left ankle. Your perineum should push down on top of the heels.
  • Keep your palms over your knees and slowly exert pressure against them.
  • Now, inhale, and stretch out your tongue to the chin.
  • Tighten up your throat muscles and keep your eyes open during this asana.
  • Exhale through your mouth with a powerful sound of ‘ha’, as the deep-breath should come from your stomach, washing up the throat.
  • Try to focus in between your eyebrows for ‘mid-brow-gazing’, or focus on the tip of your nose as both the theories are practiced.
  • Roar and switch your leg to repeat the asana.


  • Go through Vajrasana pose.
  • Avoid if you have any knee injuries.
  • To increase the stretch, sit in Mandukasana while practicing Simhasana.

While going through the incredible yogic journey, we decided to share the spiritual, mental, and physical health benefits of Simhasana (Lion Pose).

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Simhasana (Lion Pose)

  1. It deeply curbs out the stress and tension from your system. All the heart chambers get clotted due to the knots of stress, anxiety, fear, judgments and blocks your path towards rejuvenation and happy life. The Lion pose effectively nurtures the freedom of your soul.
  2. Sacred ancient scriptures like Gheranda Samhita disclosed that this particular asana is the “destroyer of diseases”. It encourages independence, self-reliance, and in being powerfully sufficient.
  3. Simhasana activates three major bandhas (locks) – Mula(moola), Jalandhara, and Uddiyana. This pose re-energizes the hidden mystic energies of a yogi, further elaborating your role in success, health, and wellness.
    Mula: translates to ‘the root’ or ‘the beginning’.
    Jalandhara: Tones up the neck muscles, and sends electric energy to the body.
    Uddiyana: This abdominal lock works wonders for your digestive system, respiratory functions, and overall prana. It is performed while standing.
  4. It lifts up your face, firms the throat by stimulating platysma muscle. This pose also benefits the tongue, fixes the bad breath issues. It improves vocal cords by polishing the texture of the voice. The respiratory organs of the body are rebooted by inflating the lungs with detoxifying, fresh oxygen. This process helps to keep away from respiratory infections and halitosis.
  5. It may eliminate the problems of stuttering, unhealthy abdomen, teeth-grinding, etc. By the increased sense of meditation and muscle memory, one can eradicate the disabilities and minor infirmities.
    Regular practice of this beneficial asana is yet another transformative segment in the history of Yoga.
  6. Beauty benefits: Here is the solution for all the ladies who have rarely met their expectations in the ‘Chronicles of beauty products’. Simhasana is known as one of the “best face exercises”, as it increases the blood flow to the face. It gives a fresh glow, tight skin on your face and neck, reduces thin lines on your face. This asana works better than any expensive facial massage.
    This pose serves as an anti-aging therapy, removes wrinkles and crow’s-feet.
  7. Lion pose relaxes the neck muscles, back pains, and releases stress from the chest, face, and mind. There is a much-needed audience of this pose, especially the working class of the nations.

As cliche as Yoga may sound; only those incur the benefits from it who are receptive to the undoing of nature. So, use your time and really practice Simhasana, to enjoy the health benefits of Simhasana. Feel like a lion as you roar the negativities out of your peaceful life.

Read More: 9 Incredible Health Benefits of Meditation

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